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Sat, Jun 22 2024

Dear parents and guardians,

Welcome to term 2 of the 2024 academic year. We hope you have all had a fun time with your families over the holiday.

We would like to thank you our dear parents for the special role you play in the lives of your children.

Our activity calendar this term is as below;

3rd June Martyrs day

No school

09th June Heroes Day

No school

16th  June Eid al-Adha

No school

Saturday 06th July

Parent –Teacher consultation meeting

Monday 8th - Friday12th July

Half Term

Monday 12th-Friday16th August

Assessment week

Our theme this term is “PLANTS, FOOD, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS.” 

This term we will be discussing the importance of different foods, fruits and vegetables that we eat. This is to deepen a child’s understanding of different foods and nutrition. The learning areas will include; science, practical life, cosmic, numeracy, language, French, cosmic, writing, reading, devotion.  stories and art activities. We therefore request you to support the children’s individual learning project of planting seeds and encouraging the children to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Any input into this topic would be welcomed.

Based on the theme, we are doing a variety of activities this term. They are as follows.

  • Learning how plants grow and what helps them grow.
  • Making our little garden during our gardening sessions at school.
  • Setting up our vegetable and fruits corner in the classrooms;
  • Top class learners will be planting seeds to showcase their understanding of how plants can grow and survive in different conditions.


Below is a breakdown of some of the learning areas this term.


Language development supports the ability of the children to communicate, express and understand in all aspects of the child’s education ie intellectual, emotional, physical and social development of the child.

This term, we will be;

  • Revisiting the Jolly Phonics sounds that we learned last term, during our ‘Letters and Sounds’ group sessions,
  • Continuing to practice using the sounds that we know in our independent writing.

You can help by;

  • Keep practicing with the children Jolly Phonics sounds – not just the sound that they make, but also how to write them correctly.
  • Encourage your child to do lots of independent writing at home.


We have prepared lots of reading activities this term. Each child will get atleast 20 minutes of reading practice daily. We will also be;

  • Revisiting the Jolly Phonics sounds that we learned last term, during our ‘Letters and Sounds’ group sessions,
  • We are doing spelling exercises, read along and book review.
  • We are starting to read books, looking at lots of non-fiction texts, poems and beyond.
  • We are also beginning to read with other children in groups depending on their level.

You can help by;

  • Reading with your children story books to make reading fun and help bridge the achievement gap.
  • Make your own list of words for your child to read and please be sure to include a variety of words.
  • Continue encouraging your child to read the books that they may bring home with them.



We are kindly requesting each parent to buy atleast one book for your child to bring to class.

Baby class: key words with peter and jane 1a-1c

Middle class: key words with peter and jane 1a-1c

Top class: key words with peter and jane 1a-1c



Under Numeracy, We will be:

  • Continuing to practice our number recognition, counting and ordering of numbers.
  • Practicing the addition that we started last term, and starting to look at how to take away and record these number sentences.
  • Doing lots of work on measurement and sizes
  • Making 2D shape pictures of some fruits and vegetables.

You can help by;

  • Helping your child to recognize numbers when they are out and about at home.
  • Encourage them to compare different heights, weights and lengths in everyday situations.
  • Encourage them in practical addition and subtraction eg adding and subtracting different fruits like apples, bananas when eating or even count groceries while you are shopping.



In doing practical life activities, the children will develop a high level of concentration, a high level of concentration and also develop a sense of order.

These activities will ultimately improve on their level of independence, develop respect for his or her surrounding and also develop fine motor skills.

Here, we will continue doing our Montessori activities like;

  • Sorting items of different colours and shapes during carpet activities using our Montessori resources eg using the colour box.
  • Making a tower using the pink tower.
  • Teaching using different textures in the practical sessions to so that the children can feel the different rough and smooth materials.

You can help by;

  • Encouraging them with some of the activities like spooning, cutting using a pair of scissors and folding clothes.



Sensorial activities enhance fine and gross motor skills, developing of the children’s perspective and critical thinking.

Here we will;

  • Continue to encourage interaction among the children.
  • We will continue playing clapping games.
  • We will also keep listening to rhymes and songs.
  • The children will keep on using play dough to make different shapes and things.



Under cosmic we teach the children about global awareness, Understanding their place in the world.

  • We are going to teach the children about the different planets and countries.
  • We will also be looking at our country, our capital city and in which continent our country is found.



The children are getting more excited each day as they learn something new in French. Please encourage them to practice even at home. 

  • They will be learning how to name different fruits, vegetables and plants in French, body parts, numbers, colours and much much more. 


Physical Development (SPORTS)

Physical development helps the children to enhance their gross motor skills and physical fitness. 

  • This term we are supporting our children in different skills through a variety of interclass sports activities.

You can help by;

  • Playing lots of games with your child to develop their co-ordination, and let them practice riding a bike or kicking a ball at home.



We have various extra-curricular activities to help develop confidence in our children and also build their talents. They include; Music dance and drama, Zumba dance, piano, swimming, taekwondo, funky fingers, ballet, cookery, fun science/gardening.

The activities are done throughout the course of the week following our class timetables.

The few activities that are paid for among these are swimming, taekwondo, piano, funky fingers and ballet. The time table for these is as bellow.






Ballet dress and shoes


Swimming and Funky fingers

Swimming costume,   towel.



Taekwondo uniform






Taekwondo Uniform


We thank all parents who have endeavored to pay school fees for term two in time. All parents who have not been able to pay the school fees are requested to do so before 27th June 2024. It is a difficult moment and the economy is down but we MUST continue. For payments, you can use school pay or through the bank. The bank details are as below. 

SCHOOL FEES:  Bank of Africa-   03575170019.

                  Centenary-         3610600009.

TRANSPORT:   (Glorina Agencies and transport services) 

Bank of Africa -  03577640003.

In conclusion, we welcome Teacher Catherine Akankwasa to Twinkles family.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or pass by our offices.


We wish you a blessed and fruitful term.


Head Teacher,

Kemirembe Jacinta.


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